The Storbyens Hjerte og Smerte metropolitan conference was launched in 1996, when the Nordic Council of Ministers initiated a collaboration between Nordic cities with more than 165.000 inhabitants, on the living conditions of young people. The Scandinavian social models are very similar and therefore we can learn from each other’s challenges and solutions in youth work.
Aarhus Municipality took the initiative in 1997 to hold the first joint Nordic conference, and over the years many good initiatives have been exchanged to solve common youth issues. Next in line was Reykjavík, which held the metropolitan conference in 1999.
The aim of the conference is to draw attention to youth issues that are specific to large Nordic cities, produce the latest research, develop youth work in workshops and create networks between professionals in the Nordic cities.
The host of the conference changes between the cities that are a part of the partnership: Bergen, Oslo, Trondheim, Malmö, Helsinki, Reykjavik, Copenhagen, Odense, Aalborg and Aarhus.
The next metropolitan conference will be held in Reykjavik 25.–27. September 2024.
Previous conferences
1997 Aarhus, Danmark – Ungdomstrivsel og vilkår – Forebyggelse af misbrug og kriminalitet
1999 Reykjavik, Island – Ungdomskultur og værdier
2001 Stockholm, Sverige – Strategier for unges sundhed og udvikling
2003 Oslo, Norge – Storbyen, ungdommen, livsforløb – hvor løber de hen?
2005 Helsinki, Finland – By, identitet og familiens rolle
2007 Odense, Danmark – Lokalt samarbejde og udvikling, Integration gennem uddannelse og arbejde, Demokrati og aktivt medborgerskab, Fra marginaliseret stilling til fuld deltagelse
2009 Göteborg, Sverige – Unge er en ressource – hvad er problemet?
2011 Bergen, Norge – Inklusion og deltagelse
2013 Aalborg, Danmark – Unge i en mangfoldig digital verden
2015 Malmö, Sverige – Mind the gaps – skab lige muligheder for alle unge
2017 Trondheim, Norge – Den nordiske model – er den robust og inklusiv nok til at modstå morgendagens udfordringer?
2019 København, Danmark – Unge og fællesskaber – med fokus på temaerne inklusion, medborgerskab, tillid og medbestemmelse.
2022 Aarhus, Danmark – Unges håb for fremtiden
The Storbyens Hjerte og Smerte metropolitan conference was launched in 1996, when the Nordic Council of Ministers initiated a collaboration between Nordic cities with more than 165.000 inhabitants, on the living conditions of young people. The Scandinavian social models are very similar and therefore we can learn from each other’s challenges and solutions in youth work.
Aarhus Municipality took the initiative in 1997 to hold the first joint Nordic conference, and over the years many good initiatives have been exchanged to solve common youth issues. Next in line was Reykjavík, which held the metropolitan conference in 1999.
The aim of the conference is to draw attention to youth issues that are specific to large Nordic cities, produce the latest research, develop youth work in workshops and create networks between professionals in the Nordic cities.
The host of the conference changes between the cities that are a part of the partnership: Bergen, Oslo, Trondheim, Malmö, Helsinki, Reykjavik, Copenhagen, Odense, Aalborg and Aarhus.
The next metropolitan conference will be held in Reykjavik 25.–27. September 2024.
Previous conferences
1997 Aarhus, Danmark – Ungdomstrivsel og vilkår – Forebyggelse af misbrug og kriminalitet
1999 Reykjavik, Island – Ungdomskultur og værdier
2001 Stockholm, Sverige – Strategier for unges sundhed og udvikling
2003 Oslo, Norge – Storbyen, ungdommen, livsforløb – hvor løber de hen?
2005 Helsinki, Finland – By, identitet og familiens rolle
2007 Odense, Danmark – Lokalt samarbejde og udvikling, Integration gennem uddannelse og arbejde, Demokrati og aktivt medborgerskab, Fra marginaliseret stilling til fuld deltagelse
2009 Göteborg, Sverige – Unge er en ressource – hvad er problemet?
2011 Bergen, Norge – Inklusion og deltagelse
2013 Aalborg, Danmark – Unge i en mangfoldig digital verden
2015 Malmö, Sverige – Mind the gaps – skab lige muligheder for alle unge
2017 Trondheim, Norge – Den nordiske model – er den robust og inklusiv nok til at modstå morgendagens udfordringer?
2019 København, Danmark – Unge og fællesskaber – med fokus på temaerne inklusion, medborgerskab, tillid og medbestemmelse.
2022 Aarhus, Danmark – Unges håb for fremtiden